James E Blogwick

You know, stuff I find interesting

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Friday, October 27, 2006

A fitting conversation

Me: Princess, why is your sister screaming?

Princess: I want to hold her hand.

M: Um, I don’t think she wants to hold hands right now.

P: But I want to hold hands!

M: Why don’t you hold Money’s[1] hand?

P: No, Money’s hand is too small.

M: Well then, hold Money’s head.

P: Then Money says, (in perfect Sam Kinison voice) “AAUUGG AUG... YOU’RE CRUSHING MY HEAD!!”

[1] Money is a small stuffed monkey. Princess has adopted a Native American nomenclature for her stuffed animals, drawing inspiration from current fascinations or whatever is directly in her line of sight when a name is bestowed. This naming structure probably deserves a catalog entry of it’s own. My favorite name is the pig, “Give a fork a penny”


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